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12 July 2010
Tamara Stefanovich (Solo Play), with Pierre-Laurent Aimard (Duo Play), pianoFolkwang Universität der Künste, Neue Aula, Essen, Germany
Brett Dean, viola / Australian String QuartetPitville Pump Room, Cheltenham, United Kingdom
Uni-Orchester Frankfurt / Helmut BartelAula der Universität, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Kuhmo Chamber Music FestivalLentua Hall, Kuhmo, Finland
Tamara Stefanovich & Pierre-Laurent Aimard, pianoFolkwang Universität der Künste, Neue Aula, Essen, Germany
Philharmonisches Orchester Regensburg / Alexander LivensonVelodrom, Regensburg, Germany
Gincarlo del Monaco, director / Ensemble Deutsche Oper am Rhein / Andriy YurkevychOpernhaus, Düsseldorf, GermanyBühne: Johannes Leiacker; Kostüme: Birgit Wentsch
Cristina Zavalloni, soprano / Nieuw Amsterdams PeilAccademia Musicale Chigiana, Siena, Italy
Nagaokakyo Chamber EnsembleHama-Rikyu Asahi Hall, Tokyo, Japan
Haydn Jeugd Strijk OrkestMontecatini, Netherlands
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