Teacher's Notes
By Christopher Norton
Urban surfer (From Techno Treat Keyboard)
Key: C major
- This piece should be played very precisely and in strict time
- Keep the left hand crotchets quite short
- Slightly accent the first note of all the right hand figures
- Bar 2/3: really play rh legato, with the wrist rising on the octave drop in bar 3
- Bars 28/29: add more and more arm weight towards the last ff chord
- Think of the lh as non-legato strings, the rh as woodwind
Static (From Techno Treat Keyboard)
Key: E minor
- Bars 1-4: think of each rh chord with a tenuto mark
- Bars 5-8: lh chords also tenuto
- Go to a real pp by the end of bar 14
- Pedal the last chord (pedal down on the 1st beat of bar 28
- Try to sub-divide the semiquavers, particularly when playing the figure from bar 13
Here Come The Mysterons (From Techno Treat Keyboard)
Key: E minor (really E Phyrgian!)
- Make sure each rh phrase is really legato
- Bar 11, 15 etc: put a slight accent on the first semiquaver each time
- Bar 17: tenuto on each rh note
- Use some pedal throughout – in bar 3 for example, on the last lh crotchet
- Pedal all lh crotchets in the last line, as well as after the last chord
Don’t touch that dial (From Techno Treat Keyboard)
Key: A minor
- Genuinely staccato lh where marked – keep it light
- Bars 2/3: follow the rh articulation scrupulously!
- Pedal the minims in line 4
- Bars 24-32: don’t accent the rh chord after the staccato chord
- Pedal after the last rh note in bar 34
Questing (From Smooth Groove Keyboard)
Key: A minor
- Play very lyrically, with a singing rh
- Bars 4,5: the lh melody should also "sing"
- Start mp, so that the mf in bar 10 really seems a level "up"
- Singing 3rds from bar 14 and bar 30 – make sure both notes sound together!
- An ethereal ending..
Part of the machinery (From Smooth Groove Keyboard)
Key: A minor
- Really drop the arm and wrist on the rh accents
- Play the slurs as written, particularly the 2-note slurs
- Bar 3: practice the lh figure, sub-dividing the semiquavers – tap all 16 semiquavers with your rh while playing (or tapping) the lh rhythm
- Don’t rush the final semiquaver of the group in bar 3!
- Bar 11: Try pedalling the third and 6th lh chords
- Ditto for rh bar 27
Becalmed (From Smooth Groove Keyboard)
Key: G minor
- Use some pedal throughout
- Start really mp so that the crescendo to f in bar 6 is more dramatic
- Follow the phrasing carefully
- The rh should really "sing"
- Keep the lh smooth and don’t accent thumb notes unnecessarily
- Enjoy the pp at the very end
Gatecrasher (From Smooth Groove Keyboard)
Key: G major
- Slightly accent each crotchet beat of the lh and make the upper notes slightly louder
- Start f in the rh; the accents (bar 7 for example) should be quite pronounced
- Try pedaling every crotchet beat of bar 13
- No pedal on the tremolandos except for the final bar!
Smokin’ armadillos (From Country Comfort Keyboard)
Key: A major
- Play in strict time throughout
- Bar 4: put a slight accent on lh E
- Bar 8: put a slight accent on lh E
- Bar 15: enjoy the accents in both hands!
- Make sure both notes of rh thirds sound really together
Home cooking (From Country Comfort Keyboard)
Key: A major
- Some pedal throughout, but not on 1st 2 chords of rh and similar places
- Make sure you follow the dynamics, the diminuendo in bar 2 for example
- Bars 9-12: pedal each lh chord
- Be really legato where indicated
- Get slightly quieter in the last 3 bars
Big Jim (From Country Comfort Keyboard)
Key: Eb major
- 2 quavers = triplet
- Be sure to use 2 fingering on lh where indicated 5
- Use the rh fingering as marked throughout
- Bar 17:this can be a really extrovert f!
- Put a really solid ff accent on the last note
Arkansas harp’n’soul (Country Comfort Keyboard)
Key: D major
- Follow the rh phrasing as closely as possible – it will automatically create accents that help to define the style
- Slightly accent the 1st of all rh 2-note slurs
- Bar 13: practice the lh by itself so that you find the best fingering
- Bar 13 (again!): practice hands together at a slow tempo
- Bars 21-24: try to make the rh thirds all the same dynamic – f – and make sure they sound together!
- Enjoy the crescendo in the last line and be wildly extrovert on the final chord
Outward bound (From Celtic Melt for Keyboard)
Key: D minor
- Bars 1-4: be scrupulous with staccatos in lh and slurs in rh
- Bars 10-13: slightly emphasise the lowest note of the rh chords
- Be genuinely mp in bar 10, genuinely f in bar 14
- Bar 25: do change fingers as marked (last 2 notes of lh)
The old boys’ session (From Celtic Melt for keyboard)
Key: G major
- Dotted crotchet, semiquaver = triplet
- Bars 3,4: drop with the arm and wrist onto the rh accents
- Slightly diminuendo on the slurs in bars 1-3 and similar
- Bars 9-11: do accent the rh as marked
- Bars 18-21: stay legato in the rh
Mists among the stones (From Celtic Melt for keyboard)
Key: E minor
- Pedal more or less throughout on half bars
- A very singing rh melody
- Lh very legato throughout, don’t crescendo if it isn’t marked
- Bar 11: be genuinely mf – it’s the loudest the piece gets!
- Place all notes together, real pp on the last bar
Murphy’s magic (From Celtic Melt for keyboard)
Key: D minor
- Play with real brio, genuine f
- Bars 1-4: follow the rh phrasing
- It may help to accent each crotchet beat with a stamp of the heel!
- Pedal from bar 13 on (each lh crotchet)
- Create a beautiful sonority with the help of the pedal on the last 2 bars
Funki stuff (From Chunky Phunky for keyboard)
- Key: E minor
- Strict time playing throughout – practice with a metronome!
- Do play the lh as written in bars 1-12 – all accents, slurs and staccato
- Start mp as marked – you have a long way to travel to the f in bar 13
- Be legato when required – rh in bar 13 for example
- Follow the dynamics for maximum dramatic effect
Gameshow (From Chunky Phunky for keyboard)
Key: F minor
- Swing playing – triplet feel
- Legato
rh where marked, with the last note of each phrase short (eg bar 10) - Play the semiquavers in bar 18 as marked (not swung)
- Bars 26-30: the chords are like big band brass chords
- The last glissando would probably finish about middle C (white notes only!)
Fight master (From Chunky Phunky for keyboard)
Key: A minor
- Don’t play the lh crotchets too short – a little air between them, but not full length
- Bars 2-9: nicely legato rh melody
- Bars 10-17: some pedal here
- Bar 18: a slight accent on the beginning of the rh phrase (and elsewhere)
- Disappear to almost nothing at the end
Centipede (From Chunky Phunky for keyboard)
Key: E minor
- This is a creepy-crawly piece!
- Build inexorably from bar 3 to bar 7
- Bars 11-14: pedal on the half bar
- Follow all articulation carefully to get maximum hundred-legged effect!
- Really diminuendo on the last line
- Pedal down after the last chord has been played
Steadicam (From R’n’b Ripple for keyboard)
Key: C major
- Use the pedal throughout this piece
- Accents on rh 1st note in bars1, 3 should be copied to all similar phrases
- Put lh chords down with all notes together, top note slightly predominating
- Shape the rh phrases and play all slurs as marked, particularly 2-note slurs
- Probably pedal each lh chord bars 9-15
Pulse rate (From Chunky Phunky for keyboard)
Key: C minor
- Real staccato where indicated
- Shape the rh phrases as in bar 2
- Do the crescendos in the lh in bars 3, 4 etc
- Pedal should be used particularly in bars 11-18
- Strict time-playing throughout – practice with a metronome
In circles (From Chunky Phunky for keyboard)
Key: F minor
- A very lyrical style, pedalled throughout
- A warm tone for the rh melody
- Start quietly, really p, so that the f sounds really quite loud!
- Think of the underlying semiquavers – try tapping 16 semiquavers with the lh and tapping the rh melody (bars 1-4) with the rh
- Strict time-playing throughout
Taking flight (From Chunky Phunky for keyboard)
Key: A minor
- A very rhythmic style, with an underlying semiquaver pulse – tap 16 semiquavers (at a slower tempo!) with your lh, tap the rh rhythm. Then reverse the procedure (lh rhythm, rh 16 semiquavers)
- Make the crescendo in bar 4 and similar quite dramatic
- Bar 11: make lh mf
- Pedal lh chords bars 12-14 and on repeat
- Follow the dynamics – they go from mp to ff!
Christopher Norton
Leeds, UK
1st April 2003