Passeggiata in tram in America e ritorno
(1998)Dino Campana (I)
This work can be performed alone, or with film. If performed with film, the DVD is available from:
Stichting Bifrons
Thora Johansson
tel.: +31.20.4228799
[email protected]
Abbreviations (PDF)
Boosey & Hawkes
The DVD Passeggiata in America e ritorno was made in 1999. The score consists of a short "ouverture" for keyboard and a song for jazz singer, violin and keyboard. The text solo consists of two long fragments of the poem in prose by Dino Campana with the same name. The visual artist Marijke van Warmerdam made a rigorous interpretation of Campana’s beautiful, surrealist poetry into an adventurous, polyinterpretable imagery. The song is especially composed for the italian singer Cristina Zavalloni.
Louis Andriessen
Reproduction Rights
This programme note can be reproduced free of charge in concert programmes with a credit to the composer

Cristina Zavalloni/Monica Germino/Boston Modern Orchestra Project/Gil Rose
BMOP/sound 1011
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