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Boosey & Hawkes (Hendon Music)

This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.
World Premiere
Tremplin International Competition, Montréal, QC
Tremplin International competition participants
Programme Note

In the autumn of 1974, Vivier was commissioned to compose a set of eight pieces for the Tremplin International Competition, one of Canada’s most prestigious events for young performers. Four of the pieces Vivier produced (Pièce pour flûte et piano, Pièce pour violon et piano, Pianoforte, and Hymnen an die Nacht for soprano and piano) were performed during the final of the competition. Others (Improvisation pour basson et piano, Pièce pour violoncelle et piano, and Pour guitare) were premiered at later dates. As befits a set of competition pieces, each work is a far-going exploration of its featured instrument, providing an opportunity to show off the performer’s technique to best advantage. The Pièce pour violon et clarinette stands as an intriguing afterthought to the Tremplin Competition set.

© Bob Gilmore
Note reproduced by permission of the author.

Recommended Recording

I Musici de Montréal / l'Ensemble Claude Vivier / David Kent
Doberman-Yppan DO 99
Click here to purchase this album from Doberman Editions.

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