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• Johannes X. Schachtner is a composer, conductor, pianist and arranger (e.g. Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Puccini) with an extraordinarily large repertoire
• Tradition and a retrospective view of music history are important driving forces in his work
• Focus on chamber music with occasionally unusual instrumental combinations such as hammered dulcimer or zither
• In his Brahms parergon he also reflects on historical performance situations
• Involved in youth music education
• He has conducted the Bad Reichenhall Philharmonic Orchestra, the Munich “taschenphilharmonie”, the Georgian Chamber Orchestra Ingolstadt and the Munich Symphony Orchestra
• Music theatre productions for the Vorarlberger Landestheater and the Munich Biennale
• Founded the “Kindersinfoniker” (together with violinist Julia Fischer) and the ensemble concetto:x

Works by Johannes X. Schachtner include:
Bartleby Narration for reciter, female choir and brass quintet (2018)
Pax - Poème théâtral for orchestra (2014)
History Cantata No.2 for soloists, choir, violoncello and bells

Works by Johannes X. Schachtner are published by Boosey & Hawkes / Sikorski.

Looking Ahead: World premiere of Caprices concertantes for violin and string orchestra and Romance in G major for piano and strings after Beethoven's Violin Romance op. 40 in Schachtner's arrangement, performed by Orchestra Venturo in Fürth (9 Mar)

"...an example of a 'thoroughbred musician' with enormous versatility, appealing to the younger generation." — Ludwig Spaenle

Please also visit Johannes X. Schachtner’s website at www.johannesxschachtner.com

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