Singing Sherlock is back!
(August 2008)

Book 4 of the complete singing resource for primary schools.
Following from the immense success of Singing Sherlock 1 and 2, this volume provides more exciting repertoire for primary singing, and is particularly useful for non-specialist teachers.
As with the other books, this volume provides enjoyable and structured ways to teach music concepts and vocal skills. It includes tried and tested songs which will inspire good singing in schools and youth choirs, and is aligned to the requirements of Key Stage 2 (ages 7 to 11).
This volume includes Voice Gym and Tune-Up! - activities to get children engaged, warmed up and ready to sing; and songs that introduce children to singing in parts and vocal harmony. It also introduces a new section called "Sherlock in Concert", which includes show-stopping concert pieces to round off a period of study.
Written by highly experienced and successful singing teachers, Val Whitlock and Shirley Court, the Singing Sherlock books bring together tried and tested songs which will bring your singing sessions to life.
Coming soon: SInging Sherlock 3!
> Further information on series: Singing Sherlock