The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace (version for concert band)
(1999, transcr. 2010)picc.2fl(=picc) bugle or tpt(opt).4tpt(Bb).4hn(F).3trb.euph.2tuba-db-timp.perc(5):2tom-t/2SD/taiko/congas/floor tom-t/TD/BD/chekere/wind chimes/tambourim/tom-t(lw)/cyms/t.bells/D bell(lw)(ad lib)/tgl/field.dr/mark tree/surdo/dr.kit
Please note that this scoring indicates the number of parts, not the number of players required. European transpositions are available as follows: hn(Eb).euph(Bb bass clef).euph(Bb treble clef).trb(Bb bass clef).trb Bb treble clef).tuba (Bb bass clef).tuba(Bb treble clef).tuba(Eb bass clef).tuba(Eb treble clef)