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Raising the curtain on Christopher Norton’s Micromusicals – exciting and accessible musicals for schools based on popular classroom teaching topics from the creator of the internationally-acclaimed Microjazz series. Designed for children aged 6-12, each production lasts around 30 minutes and can be learned, rehearsed and performed in as little as 2 days.

Stage a real class act with this comprehensive and flexible resource:

  • Succinct casting and direction suggestions
  • Optional props list with a wealth of additional downloadable resources
  • Straightfoward and catchy songs, with complete demonstration and backing tracks on an accompanying CD
  • Voice and piano scores with guitar chords
  • A wide range of flexible easy band and orchestral parts available to download which can be played in conjunction with the backing tracks or as part of an independent live orchestral or band
  • Photocopiable lyric sheets (also available as downloads for printing or projection)
  • Wide-ranging cross-curricular teaching and classroom activity suggestions
  • A customisable poster to publicise performances

The Vikings are covered in Key Stage 2 History in England, and are popular in school teaching elsewhere in the UK and further afield. This Micromusical includes topics including:

  • the Viking invasions of the British Isles
  • King Alfred
  • Norse Mythology (Valhalla, Asgard, Odin, Thor, Frey, Freya, Tyr, the children of Loki, Fenrir)
  • the present-day effect of the Vikings on British culture

"The micro-musicals have enriched our curriculum and have enabled the topics taught in class to come alive. Through the micro-musicals, the children have gained a deeper and broader understanding of the curriculum and have developed a bank of rich language, which has supported their writing outcomes. The micro-musicals have provided an excellent opportunity to teach music through all areas of the curriculum and we have been able to use music as a platform to learn history, science, geography and literature. They have been a good value for money and a valuable resource."
Bronwen Chalmers - Head Teacher at Davies Lane Primary School

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