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Away in a mangerfor mixed choir (SATB with divisi) a cappella
Text: English (Anon)
Duration: 4'00''
Difficulty: 3/5
Use: Christmas

Nigel Short, founder and director of the choir Tenebrae, adds a jazz flavour to this well-known carol.

Nigel Short
Nigel Short studied singing and piano at the Royal College of Music. He has sung with The Tallis Scholars as well as being a member of the Westminster Abbey, then Westminster Cathedral choirs. He sang with the King’s Singers for seven years.

Nigel is the founder and director of the choir Tenebrae. His aim was to bring together what he loved best as a singer: the more passionate sounds of large cathedral choirs and the precision of ensembles like the King’s Singers. Its repertoire is eclectic with some ‘signature’ works which embrace theatrical elements. Since its debut performance in 2001 Tenebrae has given concerts throughout Europe, the USA and Bermuda. With them, Nigel has performed with the Chamber Orchestra of Europe and the English Concert. They record regularly for Signum Classics.

Nigel divides his time between directing Tenebrae and giving masterclasses and workshops for both professional and amateur vocal groups and choirs throughout Europe.

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