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6 very easy duos op. 49 -- critical edition with audio links. 2 perfomance scores.

Press Reviews

"Aimed at the established beginner (approximately Grades 2-3 ABRSM) this first volume (of a projected six) is a perfect vehicle to use as a prelude for quartet playing, establishing as it does, a mode of listening and responding to another, evenly matched, part. It also serves as a useful tool for rhythmic training, since maintaining a pulse is crucial.

"Based on the first printed edition by Schoenenberger (Paris, 1847), this new publication takes the opportunity to correct many errors of articulation and notation that persist in modern editions. At the same time the editors highlight the concept of ensemble, drawing the previously published separate parts together in score format, with a part for each player that is well spaced to maximise ease of reading. In addition there is a play along CD that is carefully designed so that there is one cello part per audio channel, thus enabling one to balance the two parts when listening to them in whatever way is preferred to assist learning. The tuning note at the beginning of the CD is an important inclusion but one that has been missed by quite a few other publications . . . a valuable and well-thought-out revised edition to add to the cello duo repertory."

(Joanne Talbot, The Strad, August 2006)

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