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This lovely Welsh lullaby is sensitively set with a range of feeling, moving from a haunted mood into sublime gentleness.  Both Welsh and English texts are given; with piano.

Press Reviews

"The arrangers of folk melodies are always confronted with the problem of how far to intervene in a work of art which is already perfect and complete. Illustration of the words is no doubt valid, helping a choir to introduce the shades of meaning which would naturally arise in a solo performance. In the case of a lullaby, the balance between atmosphere and variety is difficult to strike. Nigel Jones chooses to keep the model pristine through the three verses, adding only the gentlest of ostinatos in the piano and the two lower voices. For a highly-trained choir this setting provides a challenge in sustained, controlled quiet singing; for a less experienced choir it provides an introduction to singing simple accompanying parts. Lovers of the melody will find everything here that they need."
—Rosemary Broadbent, Master Singer, Summer 2006

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