- Music Manuscript Kit (CD-ROM)
*Please note this product will not work on Mac OXS and some versions of Windows XP
Never buy manuscript paper again!
The award-winning Music Manuscript Kit is a single CD-ROM which you can use to print out over 300 styles and sizes of manuscript paper. Whether you are a composer writing for symphony orchestra, a choral conductor making arrangements for your choir, a guitarist writing music in guitar tab, or a teacher wanting manuscript paper suitable for young children, the Music Manuscript Kit means you have all the manuscript paper you'll ever need! The CD-ROM also includes an on-screen guide to musical terms and a searchable database of musical terms. Suitable for PC and Mac.
Most Innovative Product" (Music Industries Association 2001-2002).
Technical note:
When you start the CD on a PC running Windows XP or Windows 2000, you may receive an error message that reads:
Director Player
Unable to copy the driver file C:\WINDOWS\xobglu16.dll to your Windows directory. Your disk may be full.
The program will then not load.
This may occur because you do not have administrator rights on your PC. This is often the case if you are using a computer in a business environment or one that is networked. It may sometimes also apply in a home environment. If you are able to change the settings so that you have administrator rights on the PC you are using, this will solve the problem. You may need the help of an IT professional to do this. Once you have changed the administrator settings, you should be able to run the CD with no difficulty.
If you are able to change your administrator settings, please do this and try the product again. If you are not able to change administrator rights, we regret that we cannot do anything further to help: in order to run the Kit, you need to be able to add the driver file to your Windows directory.
Press Reviews
"In the world of music-technology materials, it’s nice to come across the occasional bit of software which is simple enough and still useful enough to make you think, "why didn’t someone come out with this years ago?" What an easy piece of software this is. The self-installing CD-ROM does one job and one job only, but it does do it beautifully".
EPTA Piano Journal Summer 2001