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10 Study (Gariboldi)
11 Study (Gariboldi)
11 Variations on 'La folia' (Harrison)
Allegro (Beethoven)
Allegro (Haydn)
Allegro fr Fantasie for solo violin (Telemann)
Arthur Seat (Skinner)
Auvergne Polka
Badine fr Picnic Suite (Bolling)
Bamboo Flute
Barcarola (Kohler)
Bee's Wing Hornpipe (Hill)
Bouree fr Cello Suite no. 3 in C major BWV1009 (Bach)
Bouree fr Lute Suite in E Minor BWV996 (Bach)
Bride's Candle Dance (Harrison)
Bulgarian Dance
Calypso Collapso (Harrison)
Early One Morning
Ecco la Primavera (Landini)
Epping Forest
Fantasia (Allegro Moderato) (Quantz)
Fantasia (Menuetto) (Quantz)
Ghosts of Ev'ry Occupation
Gigue BWV 845 (Bach)
Gigue fr Cello Suite no. 1 in G major BWV1007 (Bach)
Hineh Mah Tov
Hungarian Song
I'll Get Married in my Old Clothes
J is 3 (Harrison)
Jasmine Flower
Jazz Etude no. 2 (Oscar Peterson)
Jig (Harrison)
La Danse de Cleves
La fille au cresson
La Quinte Estampie Real
Largo fr Fantasie for solo violin (Telemann)
Laride a six temps
Londonderry Hornpipe
Lovely Maiden
Malle Symen (Eyck)
Medieval Dance Tune
Morgan Magan (O'Carolan)
Morpeth Rant
Ophelia Rag (Scott)
Prelude (Cosma)
President Garfield
Prins Robberts Masco (Eyck)
Rag-Polka fr Toot Suite (Bolling)
Redesdale Hornpipe
Round Dance and Swineherd's Dance II (Harrison)
Sheffield Hornpipe
Soave fr Fantasie for solo violin (Telemann)
Spirituelle fr Toot Suite (Bolling)
Study (Kohler)
Study in Appogiaturas (Quantz)
Sunshine Hornpipe
Sweep's Hornpipe
Swineherd's Dance I (Harrison)
The 29th of May
The Butcher's March
The Emperor of the Moon
The Flower Among them All (Fenwick)
The Flower Drum Song
The Four Seasons
The Keys of Canterbury
The Young Black Cow
Theme fr Fantasie Melancolique (Reichert)
Tsur Mishelo
Vivace fr Fantasie for solo violin (Telemann)
Well's Humour (Purcell's Hornpipe)
World's Fair Rag (Babcock)

Press Reviews

"one of the most interesting books to come my way in a long time ...... I literally could not put the book down until I had reached the end - and there are 76 studies!"
Music Teacher, May 1998

"A highly original study book that is worthy of serious consideration to complement normal material"
Music Teacher, August 1998

"a delight to use and great fun to play"
Music Business, November 1997

"studies which focus on and are aimed exclusively at this stage of development, will be a welcome addition to many teachers' scheme of work"

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