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Fascinations is a volume of quirky juxtapositions and intriguing pieces of music. Lœillet is cheek-by-jowl with Liszt, Schumann with Scarlatti and Sjögren. There are some fine newly-written miniatures, but also some extraordinary pieces by well-known composers, such as Mozart's bizarre Funeral march of Signor Maestro Contrapunto or the unsophisticated music-making faithfully represented in Gounod's Les pifferari and Tchaikovsky's The peasant plays the mouth-organ. Dance movements by Telemann, Schubert, Rameau, Jiovec and Zilcher all have something unexpected or piquant about them, although they are technically straightforward and a joy to play.


Andriessen Base    Information about this work
Anon (early 17th century) Dance and Afterdance
Bartók Bagatelle op 6 no 4 .
Bartók Melody with interruptions
Bartók Scherzo from Mikrosmos III
Benda Presto from Sonata IX .
Benjamin Silent and soft and slow descends the snow
Binkerd Country Dance
Binkerd Something serious .
Birtwistle Dance of the metro-gnome    Information about this work
Clementi Allegro from op 36 no 2
Cui À la Schumann op 20 no 4
Davies Piano piece no 16
Davies Piano piece no 23
de Sancta Maria Fantasia
Fibich Poco allegretto
Gounod Bagpipers .
Grieg Siri Dale song op 66 no 4
Gurlitt Impromptu op 224 no 5 .
Heller Vivace op 47 no 7
Jírovec Waltzes 1 and 6
Kenins Sad clown
Liszt Resignazione
Loeillet Hornpipe
Mozart Funeral march for Signor Maestro Contrapunto
Prokofieff Rain and the rainbow
Rameau Les tricotets from Pièces de clavecin Book 3 (1728)
Scarlatti Sonata K 431
Schubert Two écossaises D 299 nos 7 and 8
Schumann Theme and variations op 118 no 1
Sjögren Andante tranquillo
Tchaikovsky The peasant plays the mouth-organ .
Telemann Presto from TWV 30:25
Zilcher Good humour op 93 no 5
Zilcher Scherzo op 44 no 2 .

Press Reviews

Every page is a treat . . . I love these books.

John York, Piano magazine, September 2007

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