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15 July 2002
Students at the International Summer Academy, Universitat MozarteumUniversitat Mozarteum, Salzburg, Austria
Australian VirtuosiConcert Hall, Queensland Performing Arts Centre, Brisbane, Australia
Australian VirtuosiConcert Hall, Queensland Performing Arts Centre, Brisbane, Australia
Australian VirtuosiConcert Hall, Queensland Performing Arts Centre, Brisbane, Australia
Gürzenich Orchester Köln / Dmitri KitajenkoKöln, Germany
Abaco-Orchester München / Markus PoschnerMünchen, Germany
Philharmonisches Orchester Freiburg / Kwamé RyanFreiburg, Germany
Freiburger TastenensembleFreiburg, Germany
Abaco-Orchester München / Markus PoschnerMünchen, Germany
Stuttgarter Kammerorchester / Lew MarkizAmsterdam, Germany
Abaco-Orchester München / Markus PoschnerMünchen, Germany
Abaco-Orchester München / Markus PoschnerMünchen, Germany
Gürzenich-Orchester Köln / Dmitri KitajenkoKöln, Germany
Guitres, France
Utrechts Blazers Ensemble / Paul JanseUtrecht, Netherlands
Alan Yamamoto, director / Colorado Music FestivalBoulder, CO, United States
Hugo Oliveira / Remix Ensemble / Pierre-Andre ValadeCentro Multimeios, Espinho, Portugal
Sara Braga Simoes, soprano, Alexandra Moura, speaker / Remix Ensemble / Pierre-Andre ValadeCentro Multimeios, Espinho, Portugal
Eduarda Melo, soprano, Luisa Barriga, speaker / Remix Ensemble / Pierre-Andre ValadeCentro Multimeios, Espinho, Portugal
Buxton Opera / tbcOpera, Buxton, United KingdomKeck Edition
Ralf Gothoni / English Chamber Orchestra / Ralf GothoniBR (Bayerischer Rundfunk), Germany
Orkester Norden / E.-P. MälkkiTOURNEE, Kopenhagen, Sweden
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