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11 November 2003
Arditti QuartetStadtcasino Festsaal, Basel, Switzerland
Gidon Kremer / Radio Filharmonisch Orkest / Claus Peter FlorNiederländischer Rundfunk, Netherlands
The 12 Cellists of the Berlin Philharmonic OrchestraCarnegie Hall, New York, New York, United States
Depauw UniversityGreencastle, Indiana, United States
Tau Wey, pianoEmmanuel United Reformed Church, Cambridge, United KingdomHolloway Festival
Toho Gakuen OrchestraCasals Hall, Tokio, Japan
Tau Wey, pianoEmmanuel United Reformed Church , Cambridge, United KingdomHolloway Festival
Sinfonietta Leipzig / Johannes HarneitDelmenhorst, Germany
Orchester des Opernhauses Halle / Peter RuzickaOpernhaus, Halle, Germany
David Pountney, director / Wiener Kammeroper / Daniel Hoyem-CavazzaWiener Kammeroper, Vienna, Austria
Stephen Medcalf / Students at the Guildhall School of Music / Clive TimmsGuildhall School of Music, London, United Kingdom
Bayerisches Staatsorchester / Mikko FranckStaatsoper, München , Germany
Laurent Pelly, director / Ensemble, Chor und Orchester der Opéra de Nancy / Claude SchnitzlerOpera, Nancy, FranceProduction Opera Marseille
Philharmonisches Orchester Dortmund / Arthur FagenKonzerthaus, Dortmund, Germany
Csokonai Theater, Debrecen, Germany
Gemeindebücherei, Malsch, Germany
Tristans KompagnonsTheater der Puppen, Nürnberg, Slovenia
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