Der Engel, der das Wasser bewegte
(The Angel that Troubled the Waters) (1994)Libretto by Thornton Wilder; German version by Herbert Herlitschka (E,G)
fl.cl-hn-perc(1):2susp.cym(sm,lg)/sizzle cym/tam-t/BD/3tgl(sm,med,lg)/glsp/crot/3wdbl(sm,med,lg)/hanging glass sticks-gtr-pft(=cel)-vla.vlc.db
Abbreviations (PDF)
Bote & Bock
Theater (Concordia), Bremen
Mark Daniel Hirsch, director
Conductor: Catherine Rückwardt
Company: Bremer Theater
The Angel | Soprano |
The Mistaken Invalid | Tenor |
The Newcomer, a doctor | Baritone |
At the pool in Bethesda, people seeking to be healed wait for the saving angel. He appears first to a doctor, who is mentally ill, and tells him that he cannot help him. There are maladies that not even an angel can cure, only disturbed people. However, the diseased hand of a man with delusions is healed. He then notices the doctor and begs him for help — for his children, who suffer from melancholy.
Der Engel, der das Wasser bewegte is the second of the Three Water Plays (Drei Wasserspiele) by Detlev Glanert, three chamber operas based on the ‘Three-Minute Plays’ by Thornton Wilder, to be performed separately or as a trilogy.
Dramatic, Poetic