WOZZECK kehrt zurück
(WOZZECK comes back) (2003/4)Texts by Georg Büchner, Martin Luther, Helmut Oehring and from the Revelation of John (G); with three additional songtexts by Jörg Wilkendorf
1 soloist as singer, speaker and solo elec. and ac. guitar player; 3 deaf mute soloists; 3 female soloists (2S,M); chamber chorus (22 singers); 1.bass ob.1.bcl.0-2.1.1.dbtrbn.0-perc(3)-prepared pft(=keyboard)-strings(
Abbreviations (PDF)
Bote & Bock
Theater, Aachen
Christina Schönfeld/Jörg Wilkendorf, sol. / Michael Simon, dir.
Conductor: Jeremy Hulin
Company: Orchestra and Choir of the Theater Aachen
Oehring’s Wozzeck is the drama of the insecurity and the homelessness of the human being in a world without God or Humanity. For a great part, the work is based on Georg Büchner’s 1836 theatre play Woyzeck, combined with sayings of Martin Luther, excerpts from the Revelation of John and passages of text by the composer himself. But also Alban Berg's Wozzeck (1921) works as a constitutional element, becoming the hub of the piece's subject and music. In the centre the deadly conflict between the Drum Major, Wozzeck and Marie, enriched, of course, with new perspectives on the old story – through the fascinating and enigmatic world of the deaf, Oehring's own biographical and aesthetic background.