(1999)Heyse, Paul; Chamisso, Adelbert von; Eichendorff, Joseph von (G)
1(picc).0.1(bcl).0- db)
Abbreviations (PDF)
ARIADNE | Mezzo-soprano |
REFUGEE | Baritone |
THESEUS | Speaking role |
Distraught and exhausted, the fugitive feels his way through the Minotaur’s seemingly inescapable giant labyrinth, which is interpreted here as a symbol of war. Like his mythical shadow Theseus, who after the battle with the Minotaur fled the place of horror, the fugitive seeks a way out of the labyrinth. He thinks of his wife (Ariadne), from whom he was separated while fleeing. Like an Ariadne’s thread, as it were, family photos, which he discovers little by little, show him the way. In the end, however, the fugitive finds neither the exit from the labyrinth, nor succeeds in reuniting with his wife. His fate is never-ending wandering, from which there only seems to be deliverance through death.