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08 September 2013
CHAARTS / Howard GriffithsKleine Tonhalle, Zürich, Switzerland
Ewa Podles / Filharmonia Wroclawska / Wojciech MichniewskaSala Opery, Wroclaw, Poland
nn, piano / Jugendsinfonieorchester Bremen-Mitte / Martin LentzCafé am Hollersee, Bremen, Germanyexcerpt: 1st movement
Orchester Die Arche / Rainer HeilmannKirche, Reggello, Italy
Gary Graffman / Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra / Yang YangHangzhou, China, People's Republic of
Martin Brabbins, conductorSint Jansplein, Antwerp, Belgium
Berner Symphonieorchester / Droujelub YanakiewYehudi Menuhin Forum, Bern, Switzerland2 perfs.
Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart / Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart des SWR / Hans-Christoph RademannLiederhalle, Hegelsaal, Stuttgart, Germany
WA, Spielzeit 2013/2014, Wiesbaden, Germany
Orchester DIE ARCHE / Rainer HeilmannKirche, Reggello, Italy
Mädchenkantorei St. Eberhard / Johannes Mayr, organ / Martin DückerDomkirche St. Eberhard, Stuttgart, Germany
Braddell Heights Symphony Orchestra / Adrian TanSchool of the Arts Concert Hall , Singapore, Singapore
Hangzhou Philharmonic OrchestraHangzhou, China, People's Republic of
Melbourne Youth Orchestra / Brett KellyFederation Square, The BMW Edge, Melbourne, Australia
Philharmonisches Orchester Cottbus / Evan ChristFesthalle der Johannischen Kirche, Kirchzentrum Waldfrieden (Blankensee), Trebbin, Germany
James Allen's Community Orchestra / Peter GirttonJames Allen's Girls' School, London, United Kingdom
Joanne Boag / McOpera Ensemble / Ian RyanSt Andrews in the Square, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Academy of St Martin in the Fields / Julia FischerFestspielscheune, Ulrichshusen, Germany
Braddell Heights Symphony Orchestra / Adrian TanSchool of the Arts Concert Hall , Singapore, Singapore
Benjmain Grosvenor, piano / Konzerthausorchester Berlin / Ilan VolkovKonzerthaus, Großer Saal, Berlin, Germany
Konzerthausorchester Berlin / Ilan VolkovKonzerthaus, Großer Saal, Berlin, Germany
Philharmonia Orchestra / Esa-Pekka SalonenKonzerthaus, Dortmund, Germany
Internationales Kammermusikfestival NürnbergKatharinensaal, Nürnberg, Germany
Armin Sommer, percussion / Andreas Hoffmann, organStiftskirche, Landau, Germany
Orchester DIE ARCHE / Rainer HeilmannKirche, Reggello, Italy
Ensemble Horizonte / Jörg-Peter MittmannCopenhagen, Denmark
Britten, Benjamin: Billy Budd (revised 2-Act version) , Billy's Soliloquy and Farewell (Premiere of new production)Philharmonisches Orchester Hagen / Florian LudwigTheater, Hagen, Germany"Meisterfeier!": Happy Birthday Britten, Verdi, Wagner
Zuger Sinfonietta / Philippe BachSt. Verena, Risch, Switzerland
Andreas Wiedermann, director / Opera Incognita / Ernst BartmannMüller'sches Volksbad, München, Germany
Musikschule DelmenhorstMusikschule, Delmenhorst, Germany
Janine Jansen, violin / Philharmonia Orchestra / Esa-Pekka SalonenKonzerthaus, Dortmund, Austria
Egnsteatret UndergrundenKulturhus Galaksen, Værløse, Denmark
Huttwiler Kammerrorchester / Martin KunzWorb, Switzerland
Kammerorchester Basel / Umberto Benedetti MichelangeliBasel, France
Kammerorchester Basel / Umberto Benedetti MichelangeliBasel, France
Bernhard Bettermann, narrator / MDR Rundfunkchor / MDR Sinfonieorchester / Kristjan JärviGewandhaus, Leipzig, GermanyKiera Duffy, soprano / Andrew Staples, tenor / Kim Criswell, mezzo-soprano
Maki Namekawa & Dennis Russell Davies, pianoArs Electronica Center, Linz, Austriawith visualization by Gerfried Stocker
Winterthurer Jugendsinfonieorchester / Josef GallatiSerenadenplatz oder Konzertsaal Konservatorium, Winterthur, Germany
Junge Waldorf-Philharmonie Süddeutschland / Patrick StrubLiederhalle, Stuttgart, Germany
Baarer KammerorchesterGemeidesaal Baar / Ref. Kirche Rotkreuz, Baar, Switzerland
Killesbergtheater, Stuttgart, Germany
Leipzig, Germany
Winterthurer Jugendsinfonieorchester / Josef GallatiSerenadenplatz oder Konzertsaal Konservatorium, Winterthur, Germany
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