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25 November 2007
Solisten des Frankfurter MuseumsorchestersOper, Foyer, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Alexei Ogrintchouk, oboe / Beethoven Orchester Bonn / Roman KofmanBeethovenhalle, Bonn, Germany
Leonidas Kavakos, violin / NDR Sinfonieorchester / Christoph von DohnányiLaeiszhalle, Hamburg, Germany
Nürnberger Symphoniker / Philharmonischer Chor / Gerhard RillingMeistersingerhalle, Nürnberg, Germany
Bettina Giese, director / Staatsoper Hannover / Lutz de VeerStaatsoper, Hannover, GermanyBühne:Tilo Steffens; Kostüme Nicola Reichert
Leeds College of Music Symphony Orchestra / John AndersonLeeds College of Music, Leeds, United Kingdom
BR (Bayerischer Rundfunk), Germany
Ensemble IncontroRittersaal, Mannheim, Germany
Badische Staatskapelle / Jochem HochstenbachOpernhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany
Luzerner Sinfonieorchester LSO / John AxelrodKonzerthaus, Dortmund, Germany
SWR Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg / Sylvain CambrelingOpéra de la Bastille, Paris, France
NN, violin / Orchestra del Conservatorio Lugano / Giorgio BernasconiLugano, Switzerland
Lauren Easton, Ashton Singers / Australian Pops Orchestra / Warwick StengardsHamer Hall, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Gidon - Violine Kremer / Berliner Philharmoniker / Sir Simon RattleKulturradio (RBB), Germany
Andrew Burashko / Esprit Orchestra / Alex PaukJane Mallett Theatre, Toronto, Canada
Kölner Orchester Gesellschaft / Oliver Leo SchmidtGürzenich, Köln, Germany
Gürzenich-Orchester Köln / Markus StenzPhilharmonie, Köln, Germany
Lauren Easton, Ashton Singers / Australian Pops Orchestra / Warwick StengardsHamer Hall, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Mitglieder des Orchesters der Komischen Oper BerlinKomische Oper, Foyer, Berlin, Germany
Norra Mellby Pastorat / Ulrika FaijermoHaglinge Kyrka, Sösdala, Sweden
Smith QuartetSt Paul's Hall, Huddersfield, United KingdomHuddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
Domkapelle St. Eberhard / Martin DückerSt. Eberhard, Stuttgart, Germany
Südpfälzisches KammerorchesterSitftskirche, Landau, Germany
Jugendsinfonieorchester ZürichHochschule für Musik, Zürich, Switzerland
Sinfonietta LeipzigMendelssohnSaal, Leipzig, Germany
Young musicians from Birmingham Music Service, supported by players from Birmingham Contemporary MusCBSO Centre, Birmingham, United Kingdom
City of London Sinfonia / Richard HickoxThe Swan, High Wycombe, United Kingdom
Yefim Bronfman, piano / Pittsburgh Symphony / Gianandrea NosedaHeinz Hall, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Makoto Satô, director / Nikikai Chorus / Tokyo Symphony Orchestra / Tetsurô BanNissay Theatre, Tokyo, Japanin Japanese language
Richard Jones, director / Oper Frankfurt / Paul Daniel CBEOper, Frankfurt a.M., GermanyBühnenbild und Kostüme: Antony McDonald; in englischer Sprache mit dt. Übertiteln
William Wolfram, piano / Phoenix Symphony / Michael ChristieSymphony Hall, Phoenix, AZ, United States
Luzerner Sinfonieorchester LSO / John AxelrodSaalbau, Witten, Germany
Christopher Alden, director / Bühnen der Stadt Köln / Balázs Koczár / Enrico DovicoTheater, Großes Haus, Köln, Germany
Marc-André Hamelin, piano / Berner Symphonie-Orchester / Andrey BoreykoGemeindesaal, Pöschen/Schwarzenburg, Switzerland
Ballet Title: Road B.Filipe Portugal, choreographer / Ballett Zürich / nnOpernhaus, Zürich, SwitzerlandAusstattung: Regula Mattmüller
Ballet Title: Road B.Filipe Portugal, choreographer / Ballett Zürich / nnOpernhaus, Zürich, SwitzerlandAusstattung: Regula Mattmüller
Ballet Title: Before NightfallNils Christe, choreographer / Zürcher Ballett / Alexey Botvinov, pft / nnOpernhaus, Zürich, SwitzerlandAusstattung: Keso Dekker
Strijkorkest Zoroaster Utrecht / Herman DraaismaDoopsgezinde Kerk, Utrecht, Netherlands
Cappella Nova / Alan TavenerSt Andrews-in-the-Square, Glasgow, United KingdomWith complete Strathclyde Motets
Moscow Ballet / David GarforthFlorence, Italy
MacMillan, James: The Strathclyde Motets , Dominus dabit benignitatem (The Lord will bestow his loving kindness)Cappella Nova / Alan TavenerSt Andrews-in-the-Square, Glasgow, United KingdomComplete Strathclyde Motets
Cappella Nova / Alan TavenerSt Andrews-in-the-Square, Glasgow, United KingdomComplete Strathclyde Motets
Cappella Nova / Alan TavenerSt Andrews-in-the-Square, Glasgow, United KingdomComplete Strathclyde Motets
MacMillan, James: The Strathclyde Motets 1 , In splendoribus sanctorum (Amidst the splendours of the heavenly sanctuary)Cappella Nova / Alan TavenerSt Andrews-in-the-Square, Glasgow, United KingdomComplete Strathclyde Motets
Cappella Nova / Alan TavenerSt Andrews-in-the-Square, Glasgow, United KingdomComplete Strathclyde Motets
Cappella Nova / Alan TavenerSt Andrews-in-the-Square, Glasgow, United KingdomComplete Strathclyde Motets
Cappella Nova / Alan TavenerSt Andrews-in-the-Square, Glasgow, United KingdomComplete Strathclyde Motets
Ballet Title: Romeo and JulietKenneth MacMillan, choreographer / Royal Ballet / Boris GruzinRoyal Opera House, London, United Kingdom
Karlsruhe, Germany
Orchester der Stuttgarter Musikschule / Alexander G. AdiarteBad Boll, Germany
Jugendorchester Köniz / Orestis ChrysomalisKöniz, Switzerland
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Theater 't Eilandje, Antwerpen, Belgium
Düsseldorf, Germany
Düsseldorf, Germany
Düsseldorf, Germany
Düsseldorf, Germany
Düsseldorf, Germany
Pforzheim, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Corsofilmtheater, Ludwigshafen, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Severin - Cello Sutter / Jugendorchester Schwyz / Andreas BrennerMythen-Saal, Schwyz, Switzerland
Thilo - Trompete Franke / Junge Sinfonie Köln / Ulrich VillersKöln, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
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