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15 September 2005
Philharmonisches Orchester Plauen-Zwickau / Victor PuhlKonzert-und Ballhaus "Neue Welt", Zwickau, Germany
Bremer Philharmoniker GmbH / George HansonGrosser Glockensaal, Bremen, Germany
St Paul Chamber Orchestra / Hugh WolffOrdway Center for the Performing Arts, St Paul, Minnesota, United States
Camerata Salzburg / Christian MuthspielBrucknerhaus, Großer Saal, Linz, Austria
Minnesota Orchestra / Osmo VanskaOrchestra Hall, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Kremerata Baltica / Gidon KremerLucerne Festival, Luzern, Switzerland
Benjamin Schmid / Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest / Peter RuzickaConcertgebouw, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Seattle Symphony Orchestra / Gerard SchwarzBenaroya Hall, Seattle, Washington, United States
NDR Sinfonieorchester / Christoph v. DohnányiBuenos Aires, Germany
San Francisco Symphony / Michael Tilson ThomasSan Francisco, California, United States
Ballet Title: Diaghilew-AbendRenato Zanella, choreographer / Wiener Staatsopernballett / Michael HalászStaatsoper, Wien, AustriaBühnenbild: Christian Ludwig Attersee
Kostüme: Christof Cremer -
Leigh Warren / Gina Rings, choreographer / Leigh Warren and DancersTandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, Adelaide, Australia
Kammerorchester Basel / Christopher Hogwood CBEPorrentury, Switzerland
SWR-Rundfunkorchester Kaiserslautern / Frank StrobelKaiserslautern, Germany
Groningen, Netherlands
Groningen, Netherlands
Berlin, Germany
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