2018: Einem at 100
Listen to Gottfried von Einem's music with a selection of audio clips
Scores and music on sale from our online shop

A quick overview of Gottfried von Einem and his music
A biographical summary, for use in concert programmes
Harald Kunz on Einem's music (in English and German)
View works by Einem

The centenary of the birth of Austrian composer Gottfried von Einem is celebrated in 2018, encouraging an exploration of his output encompassing subversive early works, major operas which adapted literary classics for the lyric stage, and orchestral scores conducted by the 20th century’s leading maestros.
Der 100. Geburtstag von Gottfried von Einem bietet 2018 Gelegenheit zur Wiederbegegnung mit einem musikalischen Tausendsassa – die erste Künstlergarde seiner Zeit interpretierte seine frühen Sturm-und-Drang-Werke ebenso wie seine modernen Literaturopern oder großen Orchesterpartituren.