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1(=picc).2afl(I=fl, II=bfl).1.2bcl(1=cl, II=dbcl).0-0.3.ttrbn.tenor-bass trbn.btrbn.0

Abbreviations (PDF)


Boosey & Hawkes

This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.
World Premiere
Alice Tully Hall, New York, NY
Evan Hughes, baritone / AXIOM Ensemble / Jeffrey Milarsky
Composer's Notes

Throughout my life I have been a great admirer of T.S. Eliot’s poetry and criticism. So when I decided to set some of his work I chose his late poems and parts of his Four Quartets.

The texts being meditative I decided to use winds and brass to accompany the bass baritone. I remembered a work of similar character and instrumentation by the 16th century composer Heinrich Schütz which impressed me greatly. The work was composed in the fall of 2010.

— Elliott Carter

Reproduction Rights:
This program note may be reproduced free of charge in concert programs with a credit to the composer.

Press Quotes

"...a substantial new song cycle, built on stanzas from T S Eliot's Four Quartets... the vocal line, though chromatic, is supple and shapely, and responsive to Eliot's involved, introspective text."
— Allan Kozinn, The New York Times

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