Lera Auerbach – Arcanum
Sonata for Viola and Piano
Instead of a Program Note
(Singular active indicative)
Advenire, advenio, adveni, adventum [ad + venio] to come (to), arrive (at), reach; to come on purpose, to come from outside, to arrive, put in, to reach, be brought, come into the hands of, to set in, arise, develop, to come (in time); interea dies advenit - meanwhile it was day; advenientes ad angulos noctis - reaching to the very corners of the night.
(Nominative masculine singular)
Cinis, cineris
The residue from fire, ashes; the extinct or apparently extinct ashes of a fire; the spent or smoldering fires of love or enmity; Troia virum et noctium acerba cinis - Troy, bitter ash of men and nights; ashes as a condition of the body after death (as a stage in existence), ‘the grave’; cinis hic docta puella fuit - this ash was a scholarly girl.
(Adverb, ablative masculine of Postremus)
At last, finally, after everything else, last of all, lastly (in a logical sequence), in the last place, finally; on the last occasion, most recently, for the last time; in the end, eventually; in the last resort; to sum up, in short, in fact, after all; primo… deinde… postremo - first… then… finally.
(Vocative masculine singular of Ademptus)
Adimere, adimo, ademi, ademptum
[ad+emo] to remove something by physical force, take away; to rescue, save (from death); to steal, confiscate; to capture, seize; to deprive of (life, sleep, etc.); to refuse or fail to give, deny, withhold; to render (vision) impossible; nox diem adimat - the day would not be long enough [night confiscates day]; to remove by exile or death, to banish, dispel.