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Music Text

Libretto by Birgit Müller-Wieland based on the Grimm brothers tale (G)



Abbreviations (PDF)



World Premiere
Reaktorhalle, München
Igor, Pison, director
Conductor: Ulrich Nicolai
Company: Arcis-Ensemble
VALET Soprano

While the sun wonders at its own shining, Iron Henry rushes in great fear through the forest: he is searching for the enchanted prince, whom he once served. The princess is bored by courtly life and plays with her ball in the shade of the trees. When her ball falls into the well while playing, it startles the frog, who offers to get the ball from out of the well. In return the princess offers him her pearls, jewels, and her crown as thanks. But the frog has just one request: he wants to be her friend and sleep in her bed. Upon the successful retrieval of the ball, the princess, however, does not want to acknowledge her promise and disappears into the castle. The frog attempts to follow her.
Dinner is being prepared in the castle: the golden plate and the golden chalice argue about who stands higher in the grace of the princess, while the noodles, very certain that they are the princess’s favorites, perform a dance. At the royal table, the frog, who finally gets into the castle, asserts his right to the friendship of the princess, who however does not want to know anything about it. The King rules that promises have to be kept. The castle staff is appalled by the new housemate.
The frog lies in the bed of the princess, who accepts this only with disgust. A lady-in-waiting takes pity upon her and decides to carry the animal out of the room. When she enters the bed-chamber, she notices, however, that the two are happily frolicking with one another. As in the exuberance of the playing, the frog is thrown against the wall, the enchanted frog is suddenly retransformed into a prince. Henry, who arrives at the castle at this very moment, recognizes his former lord. Henry is freed of his iron rings, and all three promise each other to remain together forever and ever.

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