Explore Music by Subject on Boosey.com

With over 3500 Boosey & Hawkes and Sikorski works now tagged by subject, you can easily explore repertoire across a broad range of themes for your concert or stage programming.
Boosey & Hawkes is pleased to launch a new online repertoire service on Boosey.com, assisting your exploration of our catalogue for thematic programming ideas. Over 3500 works have been tagged, across over 60 subject themes, offering a quick route to lists of possible repertoire. Featured works encompass 20th century classics from the catalogues of both Boosey & Hawkes and Sikorski, together with the latest pieces by our leading contemporary composers.
Visit our new index pages to start exploring (available in three languages):
English: www.boosey.com/Subject
Spanish: www.boosey.com/Temas
German: www.boosey.com/Themen
Once you select a subject, you will be provided on screen with a list of suitable works. The ‘Information’ link for each work leads to further details, including scorings, duration, programme notes, and links to view scores and listen to audio. To help you explore we have produced a short video guide:
> Watch video
The range of subject tags encompasses a rich variety, from fun to serious, including:
- Works influenced by composers eg Bach, Beethoven, Brahms
- Works influenced by writers eg Shakespeare, Pushkin
- Works with arts connections eg Art/Architechture, Dance, Film/Cinema
- Works that tell stories eg Myth/Legend, Fairy/Folktales, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
- Works for specific concert slots eg Celebratory Works, Concert openers, Companion pieces
- Works on natural themes eg Climate/Environment, Ocean, Nature, Night
- Works on social themes eg Conflict, Ethics, Health, Politics
- Works inspired by music genres eg Early music, Folk/Traditional, Jazz/Swing, Pop/Rock
Please let us know if you would like to share your knowledge about additional works in our catalogue that fit with our subjects and themes.
If you require further personalised programming advice please contact our Promotion teams by email:
[email protected]
[email protected]
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