Sacred Songs for SATB & organ/piano from Karl Jenkins

Sacred Songs brings together the most famous and beautiful movements from the composer of Adiemus.
This collection includes pieces from The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace, Requiem and Stabat Mater. Included are Benedictus (The Armed Man), Pie Jesu and In Paradisum (Requiem) and Virgo Virginum (Stabat Mater). All the pieces can be performed together, or performers can make up their own suite of favourites from those in this volume.
The preferred scoring for performance of these pieces is flute, oboe and cor anglais (ad lib), clarinet, horn, strings and organ (ad lib). However it is possible to perform the suite with just strings and organ, or organ only accompaninment. Instrumental parts are available on hire.
> Further information on Work: Sacred Songs