Glorious Percussion
(2008)3(III=picc).1.4(III=Ebcl,IV=bcl).0-2(=2 Wagner.tubas(B,F)).2.4(IV=tbtrbn).2-perc:timp/whip/wdbl V/wdbl VII/SD/BD/cyms/susp.cym/tam-t-2hp-cel-str
solo.perc(5):crot I/glass.chimes I/bamboo chimes I/cabaza/wdbl I/darabuca/hand.dr I/BD I/xyl I/marimba I;crot I/glass.chimes II/bamboo.chimes II/wdbl II/flex I(with bow)/hand.dr II/BD II/vib II/marimba II;tgl(med)/flex II/wdbl III/hand.dr III/SD I/BD III/xyl II/vib I;tgl(sm)/bamboo.chimes III/wdbl IV/tamb/hand.dr IV/SD II/BD IV/susp.cym I/Javanese.gongs I/xyl II/vib I(with bow);tgl(lg)/crot II(with bow)/agogo/wdbl V/hand.dr V/SD III/BD V/susp.cyms/Javanese.gongs II/vib II(with bow)
Abbreviations (PDF)
‘Two special features distinguish this work from my previous works:
The central theme here is the correspondence between the sounding intervals and their difference tones. This also results in the structure of the form: Three times the sound movement comes to a standstill. And against this static background, all that remains is the pulsation caused by the intervals of the preceding chord. Such episodes occur at certain points in the form and thus subject the form to the laws of the golden section.
In this work, the solo percussionists have seven episodes in which they step in front of the orchestra and improvise without a fixed musical text. This is reminiscent, as it were, of a performance practice from a time when only an oral culture existed.’ (Sofia Gubaidulina)

Vadim Gluzman / Lucerne Symphony Orchestra / Jonathan Nott
BIS Records BIS-1752