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perc(1):timp/crot/byan-dzung(Chinese bell.chimes)/bundle of bells(Sanctus.bells)/4tpl.bl/5bongos/cyms/t.bells/glsp/xyl

Abbreviations (PDF)



Composer's Notes

"Detto I is a one-movement work consisting of three broad periods in which static lines are gradually layered on top of each other and finally brought to a solution, as it were.
Each of these periods is in turn in three parts and can be interpreted as a non-traditional sonata form, in which the idea of horizontal lines adding up forms the main movement, while vertical, chordal triads represent the secondary movement. The final section brings about the ‘resolution’ of these contrasts with the help of sonorous glissando clusters in the organ or tremolo bell clusters.
Contrasting movement types (linear - chordal - glissando) thus take the place of the thematic contrast that characterises the traditional sonata form." (Sofia Gubaidulina)

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