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Music Text

Luis Palés Matos and Pucho Escalante (S)

Abbreviations (PDF)


Boosey & Hawkes (Hendon Music)

This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.
World Premiere
Kaufmann Concert Hall, New York, NY
Young People's Chorus Of NYC
Programme Note

My vocal work Tembandumba was created for the magnificent
Young people’s Chorus of New York City, as requested by its
director Franciscco Núñez. The title is inspired by “Tembandumba
de la Quimbamba”, the main character of the poem Majestad
Negra, (Black Majesty) by Puerto Rican poet Luis Pales Matos.
Two soloists–Soprano and Alto–, plus a pair of Cuban claves add
contrast and color to the choir; and although I used some extralyrics
and onomatopoeic sounds for rhythmic effects, the beautiful
poetry of the Porto Rican Maestro stays intact in all its grace and

This is my humble musical tribute to the master poet from

-Paquito D’Rivera
January 21, 2010

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