3(III=picc).3(III=corA).3(II=Ebcl,III=bcl).3(III=dbn)-4.3.3(III=btrbn).1-timp.perc(2):tgl/ant.cyms/whip/maracas/wdbl/bongos/snare.dr/tam-t/glsp;2tmpbl/BD/cyms/vib/adhesive strip to peel off-2hp-pft-str(min10.
Abbreviations (PDF)
‘Music as a journey through the subconscious, through the sounds of your own body. Based solely on a continuous pulse, like a heartbeat. This pulse is not regular, but speeds up, slows down, like a marathon runner, like an act of love. The mother's pulse is the first sound we perceive in our lives, it is the archetypal sound par excellence. A piece about the pulse is also a piece about the beginning of hearing. Lines of notes are treated like veins through which a constant stream of sounds flows.
This is accompanied by a renunciation of any conventional structure or traditional compositional techniques; basically, the piece deliberately remains in a sound space that also permeates individual details. The music is corporeal, not disembodied, alive, not abstract. It is an attempt to define a new way of listening; the pulse functions here like a red thread that you can follow if you allow yourself to listen to it.’ (Moritz Eggert)