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Bote & Bock

This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.
World Premiere
St. Matthäus-Kirche, Berlin
Bianca Reim, mezzo-soprano / Klaus Schöpp, flute / Katharina Hanstedt, harp / Lothar Knappe, organ
Repertoire Note

This "Sacred Music" by Martin Christoph Redel makes reference to biblical texts: 'Im Anfang war das Wort' [John 1, 1+14: In the beginning was the word], 'Ich hörte eine große Stimme' [Revelation 21, 3+4: I heard a loud voice] and 'Singet dem HERRN' [Psalm 96, 1-3: Sing to the LORD]. The third movement is a meditation for solo harp. The four movements can be incorporated separately into the liturgy.

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