3(III=picc).afl.3.corA.3(III=bcl).bcl.3(III=dbn).dbn-6(V,VI=Wagner tuba).4.4.2-timp.perc(4):2tam-t/4susp.cym/crot/vib/bongos/nipple gong/bell tree/marimba/2Chin.cym/4tom-t/BD/mark tree/tpl.bl/tgl/spring coil/TD-2pft(II=organ)-2harp-strings(no violins)
Abbreviations (PDF)
Boosey & Hawkes
“The score is sophisticated yet immediately engrossing… The bouncy fanfare figures are not blatant but more like a filigree. The instrumental texture is often fast-moving and complex. A Sibelius sense of mysterious winds blowing everything around is strong at first…In the middle, Sculpture turns into a miniature concerto for orchestra, focusing on different instrumental sections competing to be the most dazzling. At the end the organ came rumbling in, lingering "Zarathustra"-like in its low register. Tubas and other brass instruments took positions around the hall…The piece climaxes with rousing Stravinskyan rhythms. The score's 23 minutes fly by. The performance was spectacular. The orchestral writing is that of a master.”
Los Angeles Times

Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra/Sakari Oramo
Ondine ODE 1124-2
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