‘(...) Beethoven's structure A-B-A1-B1-A2, in which the contemplative slow A sections are labelled Adagio molto and the B sections labelled Andante display more dance-like energy as if from ‘regained strength’, is retained. The work is framed by an additional short prelude and a postlude, in which no original Beethoven material is incorporated. The voice parts from Beethoven's Op. 132 are not to be played differently from the other three parts. They are treated as organic and integral parts of the new quartet. Whether the audience recognises their origin or not is irrelevant to the listening experience. Perhaps audiences and performers should regard this work as a new string quartet for the 21st century, in which Beethoven's structures and the individual voice parts are faithfully recontextualised within the framework of a new original composition with interpretative and technical variables.’ (Lera Auerbach)
Lera Auerbach dedicated her String Quartet No. 9 to the anniversary composer of 2020, Ludwig van Beethoven. The composer based the work on the 3rd movement from Beethoven's 15th String Quartet in A minor op. 132, which is entitled ‘Heiliger Dankgesang eines Genesenen an die Gottheit, in der lydischen Tonart’. Obviously, Beethoven wanted to express his gratitude for overcoming an illness. In the individual sections of her string quartet, the composer alternates between having one string instrument play the original Beethoven part, while the other three parts are freely composed.