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Boosey & Hawkes

This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.
World Premiere
The Cornerstone, Liverpool
Ensemble 10/10 / Clark Rundell
Composer's Notes

The Longest 10 Minutes
Sonatina for 14 Instruments Op.98

In the end I asked Muzio Clementi and he thought it a good idea to write a sonatina, whereas C.P.E. Bach didn’t even answer my polite request. To approach Beethoven or Brahms I didn’t dare.

My music appears dependable and without guile, but there are hidden evil intentions, which might produce a curious afterglow in the attentive listener; whereas those whose concentration wanders are liable to experience a slight irritation of the skin.

There is always a risk in listening to music, but I carefully avoided any possibility for serious injury. On the contrary: I trust that your health will benefit from listening to “The Longest 10 Minutes”.

Kurt Schwertsik 2007

Reproduction Rights:
This programme note may be reproduced free of charge in concert programmes with a credit to the composer

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