Abbreviations (PDF)
Boosey & Hawkes
Shrunken Symphony:
What is the meaning of this?
A form dried up and shrivelled like those
shrunken heads -
therefore a corporate shrinkage?
Or does the title lead astray and we have
here an embryonic form:
incomplete, unmatured, a seedling in need of
development -
therefore not viable?
Possibly also the idea of a concentrated form,
to be diluted to taste, pasteurised, homogenised
without artificial flavourings -
therefore no danger to health?
In the end still the possibility of a symphony
in a nut shell, a toy symphony;
intriguing craftsmanship, beguiling form -
therefore not without depth?
And what is the meaning of this?
Kurt Schwertsik
(Translation: Elke Hockings/Kurt Schwertsik)

Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra/Dennis Russell Davies
(p) and © 2000 Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra
Oehms Classics OC342