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World Premiere
Konzertsaal des Leopold-Mozart-Zentrums, Augsburg
Blechbläserensemble des Leopold-Mozart-Zentrums / Uwe Kleindienst
Composer's Notes

‘A ‘Satierikon’ for ten brass instruments based on his early piano cycle ‘Le Fils des étoiles’ was created for a concert to mark the 150th birthday of the composer Erik Satie. The original, dynamically and rhythmically very spartan piano writing with its whimsical headings for the individual musical sections meets the diverse tonal possibilities of a large brass ensemble. The result is less a precise translation of Satie's intention than a homage to the greatest anarchist in music history and pioneer of modernism and postmodernism. Satie's twists and turns are repeatedly the starting point for a post-modern interplay of sounds between jazz, heavy Bruckner brass and archaic and experimental brass sounds. The brass instruments are not part of a ‘musique d'ameublement’, but are allowed to move themselves ...’ (Johannes X. Schachtner)

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