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Music Text

Michael Symmons Roberts (E)



Abbreviations (PDF)


Boosey & Hawkes

This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.
World Premiere
Perth Concert Hall, UK, Perth
The Kings Singers
Repertoire Note

Choral level of difficulty: 3-4 (5 greatest)

This substantial (15 minute) work was commissioned by the King’s Singers and premiered in Perth, Scotland, in April 2014. It sets a series of fascinating poems by Michael Symmons Roberts, a favourite collaborator of MacMillan’s. These pieces are as one would expect when written for such an expert, polished group as the King’s Singers and there is great variety within the set. The third movement, for instance, ‘In the Blue Lobster Café backyard, the head chef, arms outstretched, bears what looks like a body.,.’ etc) is set with a jazzy ‘do-be-do’ accompaniment. In the second movement there is a section of free chanting on a single pitch which MacMillan says should have the effect of ‘glossolalia’ or ‘speaking (singing) in tongues’. But there is little in these movements to frighten the reasonably ambitious group looking for a substantial concert piece which will appeal to audiences. It is entirely possible, too, for the top counter-tenor part to be taken by a soprano or a mezzo and the second counter-tenor part by a female alto opening the piece up to a much larger performance base than its original line-up might indicate. The bass part needs a singer who is comfortable with a low D and quite a lot of work in the region just below the stave.

Music from A Rumoured Seed is incorporated into MacMillan’s cantata Quickening, in the 2018 version premiered with the King’s Singers at the Edinburgh International Festival in the composer’s 60th birthday year.

Repertoire Note by Paul Spicer

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