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Bote & Bock

This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.
World Premiere
Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik, Witten
Aulos Bläserquintett
Programme Note

The Festlicher Tanz for wind quintet is dedicated to Wilfried Brennecke, the director of the Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik for many years, until 1989, when he yielded the task of organizing this music festival to a younger colleague. The oboe, flanked by the clarinet and flute, is the protagonist of the "dance." The tritone a—e flat (then b—f) lends initial suspense to the oboe's "sound steps," but then Yun moderates the harshness of the tritone with steady forward and upward striving to three-line d. The low winds assert themselves in the more subdued middle section, relativizing and penetrating through the dominance of the oboe. Here the horn takes the lead. The thrusting of the oboe is resumed in the short recapitulation, and the conclusion of the work turns out to be more homogeneous but also more reserved than the beginning. Yun's late style is characterized here by a tendency toward a harmonic design of third layers blurred by chromatic "interference tones" and crossovers.
Walter-Wolfgang Sparrer (tanslation: Susan Marie Praeder)

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