3(II,III=picc).3.3(II=Eb,III=bcl,dbcl).3(III=dbn)-6.4(III=btpt*,IV=picc.tpt).4.2-perc(5): xyl/vib/marimba/t.bells/2wdbl/2guiro/claves/slit dr/BD(lg)/susp.cym/clashed cyms/metal tube**/hi-hat/tam-t(lg)/nipple gong(lg)-2harp-strings (min.
* If no Bass Trumpet available, play on Tenor Trombone
** piece of scaffold tube c.40cm x 5cm set on a piece of polystyrene and struck with metal hammer large enough to make the maximum dynamic (ffff)
Abbreviations (PDF)
Boosey & Hawkes
"...shot through with a strange luminosity - a high, bird-like flute line, a delicate rustle of percussion, and the dark shimmer of string harmonics. The clarity and brilliance of the orchestra's sound - incisive brass, shrill woodwinds and strident strings - gave Night's Black Bird a vivid intensity, but it came with a sense of unease, as if there was secret yet to be disclosed."
The Guardian

The Hallé / Ryan Wigglesworth
NMC D156