Der Besuch der alten Dame
(The Visit of the Old Lady) op. 35 (1968-70)Major roles: M,heldT,Bar;
minor roles: 2S,lyrS,M,8T,3Bar,3BBar,2B,speaker,mime; chorus;
On-stage: 2bells,station bell,firebell
Abbreviations (PDF)
Boosey & Hawkes
"Dürrenmatt’s parable about universal corruption has assured the opera its timeless validity... The score functions as a sonic red carpet for outstanding singers, producing powerful music theatre.”
Die Presse
“…a furious, unsettling parable about money and greed.”
Der Kurier

Christa Ludwig (Claire Zachanassian), Eberhard Waechter (Alfred III), Heinz Zednik (Butler), Emmy Loose (Alfreds Frau), Hans Beirer (Bürgermeister), Hans Hotter (Lehrer) / Chor & Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper / Horst Stein (WP Vienna 1971, re-release 2018)
Orfeo C 930 182 1