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2(I=picc).2(II=corA).2(II=bcl).asax.2- bow hi-hat/BD/tamb/maracas/log dr/SD/guiro/tgl/2tom-t(hi) or bongos/tam-t/2wdbl/metal wind chimes/sand blocks/timbales/flexatone; II=hi-hat/2tom-t/2cowbells/tgl/clap castanets/cyms/2wdbl/tam-t/2dr(hi)/2tpl.bl/2brake dr/guiro/metal wind chimes/broken ceramic cups/SD/crash cyms/tamb/maracas/cabassa; III=tgl/vib/glsp/t.bells/xyl/tamb/maracas/ratchet-harp-pft-strings(

Abbreviations (PDF)


Bote & Bock

This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.
World Premiere
Bozar, Salle Henry Le Bœuf, Brussels
Belgian National Orchestra / Dirk Brossé
Programme Note

Former trapeze artist Huller has been in prison for 10 years for murder. He has a chance for a pardon and has to tell his life story for it: Huller was temporarily unable to perform due to an accident, and he scraped by with his wife and child as a show booth owner on St. Pauli. Sailors bring an attractive girl to him, she performs for him as a dancer. Huller falls in love with the seductive Berta-Marie and leaves his family for her. Both find an engagement in the renowned Berlin Varieté Wintergarten, where they celebrate great successes as a trio with the artist Artinelli. When Huller learns that Berta-Marie is cheating on him with Artinelli, he kills him and turns himself in to the police.

VARIETÉ is one of the most beautiful films of German silent cinema - spectacularly shot on original locations and thrillingly staged. The shots in the Wintergarten Varieté are legendary, shot by the leading cameramen of the time: Carl Hoffmann, Robert Baberske and Karl Freund, who had developed the technique of the "unleashed camera" in F. W. Murnau's film classic THE LAST MAN, which had been made shortly before. Emil Jannings and Lya de Putti were the most prominent German actors of their time. The film paved the way for them, as it did for director E. A. Dupont, paved the way to Hollywood.
© 2eleven music film

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