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World Premiere
Anneliese Brost Musikforum Ruhr, Bochum
Javad Javadzade, double bass / Bochumer Symphoniker / Tung-Chieh Chuang
Composer's Notes

‘The first version of my Concerto for double bass and string orchestra op. 192 for concert double bass in D was written at the end of 2021. It is a one-movement composition. The main musical material is based on the initials of me and my late husband - EFDS (Elena Firsova and Dmitri Smirnov) - during our lives we both wrote many of our compositions under this monogram.
In early 2024, Javad Javadzade, the brilliant double bass player for whom I composed this concerto, told me that he had fallen in love with a whole new kind of double bass in C and would now only play double bass in C! So I had to write a new version of the Concerto for Double Bass in C, which was premiered on 3 October 2024 in Bochum.’ (Elena Firsova)


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