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This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes / Sikorski for the UK, British Commonwealth (excluding Canada), Republic of Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Israel.
World Premiere
Klimenty Mints, director / Lenfilm
Repertoire Note

Score for the film by Klimenty Mints.

Yanya Korzinkina is a beautiful young railway clerk, and always ready to help anyone. So naturally everyone loves her, including a young singer on his way to a music-competition. When he loses his voice at the competition, she jumps on to the stage, kisses him passionately, and he miraculously gets his voice back.

This wafer-thin comedy, directed by Klimenty Mints, provoked Shostakovich into one of his most charming and light-hearted film-scores, bubbling with wit and amusement. Some famous tunes from the 19th century make unexpected appearances and at one point Shostakovich revisits his boyhood experience of accompanying silent-films with a delicious gallop for piano-duet alone. At the end a small chorus hymns the goodness and beauty of Yanya with a mock operatic apotheosis.
This is music to bring a smile to the face of children of all ages.

Note by Gerard McBurney

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