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Music Text

Walter Raleigh, Robert Burns, William Shakespeare translated by Boris Pasternak and Samuil Marschak (R)

Scoring db)

Abbreviations (PDF)



This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes / Sikorski for the UK, British Commonwealth (excluding Canada), Republic of Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Israel.
World Premiere
Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall, Moscow
Efrem Flaks, baritone
Repertoire Note

1 The Wood, the Weed, the Wag (Raleigh)
2 O, Wert thou in the Cauld Blast (Burns)
3 Macpherson before his Execution (Burns)
4 Jenny (Burns)
5 Sonnet 66 (Shakespeare)
6 The Grand Old Duke of York

Shostakovich twice orchestrated his 1942 cycle, a powerful sequence of settings of English and Scottish poetry by Walter Raleigh, Robert Burns, and Shakespeare, and ending with a popular nursery rhyme. The first orchestration, op.62a for full orchestra, dates from 1943. This second one, which he numbered separately as op.140,  is for chamber orchestra, and deliberately more spare and bleak than the first version. The new orchestration emphasises even more the sharp sarcasm and despair of these songs, while at the same time making them more intimate.

Note by Gerard McBurney

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