Yakub iki – Zeit des Wartens
(Yakub iki – Time of Waiting) op. 18 (1989)Bote & Bock
In this piece, various aspects and time-threads of waiting flowed into each other. Other influences are Gypsy music, the colors of water, and the novel A Season in Hakkari: all of this was incorporated in the piece in completely transmuted form.
Very simple material serves as the point of departure: the single tone d-flat and the major third c–e. From this material, surfaces and intensifications are developed in the form of various gestures and motions. An imaginary ballet comes into being in the four instruments. For this reason, the composer decided to add various subtitles to the present, second version: “Pantomime 1,” “Danse rêvée,” “Mascarade,” “Pas de trois,” “Pantomime 2,” “Danse lente,” and “Salut.” The piece was composed in Berlin and Istanbul; it is dedicated to Ayse Paçanda.
Thomas Tangler