(Seven pieces to a fairytale of Novalis) op. 28 (1994)for solo guitar
Duration: 12'
Bote & Bock
This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes
for the world.
World Premiere
Konzerthaus, Kammermusiksaal, Berlin
Reinbert Evers, guitar
Programme Note
After Novalis’s death, his drafts of the incomplete second part of his novel Heinrich von Ofterdingen were published under the title Paralipomena. Among them were a number of key words under the heading Märchen (Fairy tales).
Glanert has used these key words, or rather titles, as headings for a series of soft guitar pieces; it seemed to him that Novalis’s words required the instrument which is symbolic of the dawn of the early Romantic movement and of dreams.
Behind these incomplete sketches, one can sense the world of fairy tale, though this is never elaborated upon in depth: that is left to us and our imagination.
Thomas Tangler
Recommended Recording

Ulf Gollnast (git)
MDG 503 0750-2