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Boosey & Hawkes

This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.
World Premiere
Jacoby Symphony Hall, Jacksonville, FL
Jacksonville Symphony / Courtney Lewis
Composer's Notes

Bridges is a tribute to the city of Jacksonville, its diverse communities, and the bridges that bring them together. As Mary Carr Patton Composer-in-Residence with the Jacksonville Symphony, I have had the opportunity to learn about Jacksonville (and St. Augustine) by visiting museums and galleries, historic landmarks, educational institutions, and by meeting with contemporary artists, art supporters, and residents. A central inspiration for the music comes from my visits to several schools in different neighborhoods of Jacksonville where the young students improvised sound of their neighborhoods, particularly sounds of water, weather, and traffic.

Bridges begins with an acknowledgement of the early cultural encounters of Northeast Florida along the St. Johns River from the time of Ossachite to Cowford to Jacksonville, including the Timucua (Saturiwa), French, Spanish, West African, British, Seminole, and Americans. Following this are musical responses to my experiences while visiting Jacksonville. While bridges may separate the city, this piece celebrates how through people’s intentions and actions, they can bring the city together.

— Courtney Bryan

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