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Bote & Bock

This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.
World Premiere
Alte Schmiede, Wien
Richard Galler & Robert Gillinger, bassoons
Repertoire Note

The duo of two identical wind instruments is rooted in the didactical and in the divertissement. Bernd Richard Deutsch here transfers the genre into the realm of concerto, by composing its history in an ironically broken way but also by technical virtuosity. This concept unites the three pieces which are otherwise completely different from each other. Whereas the first two pieces seem to be rather abstract 'studies' – in the first, both bassoons are sometimes rhythmically parallel to and sometimes rhythmically offset from each other; in the second, there are hocket-like overlappings in the different positions –, the third piece comes along with vivid imitations of yodelling and cows.

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